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- /* GMS_Poll.thor by Roy Brown (Roy@ebrown.demon.co.uk)
- ** $VER: GMS_Poll.thor v1.0 (12.11.95)
- **
- ** An ARexx script that automatically runs GMS to poll a BBS selected
- ** from a requester. The script assumes that you have configured a GMS
- ** line for each Boss (numbered 1, 2 etc - NOT Line 0 which is the default
- ** line - see the GMS docs).
- **
- ** This script should be added to your Arexx Script menu.
- */
- /* Enter the path to gms_mailer. */
- GMS_Path="GMS:Bin/" /* must end with either ":" or "/" */
- /* Modify the next line (no spaces) to show each BBS name that you poll from.
- ** This is the text that will appear on the buttons in the requester. If you
- ** want to make the boss you poll most often the default (i.e. press return to
- ** call), make it the first entry. Use the underscore (to the left of the
- ** 'equals/plus' key) to indicate the keyboard shortcut.
- */
- BUTTEXT="_Amigo|_FrostFree"
- /* Enter your total number of bosses */
- /* Please do not alter anything below here. Thank you.*/
- options results
- /* Check to see if Thor REXX port available*/
- p = ' ' || address() || ' ' || show('P',,)
- thorport = pos(' THOR.',p)
- if thorport > 0 then thorport = word(substr(p,thorport+1),1)
- else
- do
- say 'No THOR port found!'
- exit 10
- end
- /* If more than one Boss configured above, open a requester to select the BBS
- ** to poll. Otherwise run GMS using line 0 configuration (the default line).
- */
- select
- when BOSSES=1 then line=0
- when BOSSES>1 then
- do
- address(thorport)
- REQUESTNOTIFY TEXT '"Select BBS to poll"' BT ''||BUTTEXT||'|_Cancel'
- line=result
- if line=0 then exit
- end
- end
- /* Run GMS */
- address command "run >nil: "||GMS_Path||"gms_mailer line "||line
- exit
- ..........................................................................................